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about us.

Luis and Maria in on Mt Ziria in Greece

Luis, programmer & tech wizard -  Maria, geeky astrologer & instructor  

Kepler College Logo

Kepler College of Astrological Arts
and Sciences
MA graduate

Yin and Yang Symbol


National Council for Geocosmic Research
Level IV Certification

ISCA Logo image

Society of Classical Astrologers

LINCOS is an abbreviation from the Latin 'lingua cosmica' (cosmic language), a term first coined in 1960 by the Dutch mathematician Hans Freudenthal, who formalized a mathematical language so that humanity might one day communicate with intelligent life outside of the earth. We've adopted this term to refer to another formal language that has enabled humanity to communicate with the cosmos for millennia -- astrology!


Our work really started in 2000, when Maria was a graduate student at Kepler College. At that time, she began to ask questions of the discipline that it was not capable of answering. That set her on an on-going quest to find answers to her questions. As a Gemini, it was inevitable that a linguistic approach to astrological chart interpretation would emerge! The theoretical foundations behind these investigations ultimately became rooted in Aristotelian philosophy and traditional methodologies -- but filtered through a process of empirical testing. The reason Maria felt this approach needed its own name is because it can't be considered either purely modern, nor purely traditional. Fundamentally, she's interested in what works in a manner that is objectively verifiable, reliable and practical for practitioners. As such, much of the testing work that was performed was on 'outer-world events' and life descriptions, rather than on individual personality traits. This is because personality is notoriously difficult to test and frankly, not that informative for clients. Our research translates verifiable chart events and life conditions into linguistic propositions and procedures that become testable hypotheses, so that they may yield more accurate and reliable interpretation techniques.


After the pandemic, Luis decided life was too short and that he wanted to contribute his expertise to these celestial explorations. So he left his software engineering job of 30 years to became our technical wizard! His first order of business was to make life easier for all of us, by developing an application (currently in beta testing) that calculates all of the particular LINCOS techniques that aren't available on other platforms. With Luis now on board, our sandbox for celestial exploration becomes that much larger...    


By the way, that's a younger version of us in front of the cave where the god Hermes was born, on Mount Ziria in Greece.        

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